Conte responding to Risharlison for criticism

10 March 2023, 19:08 | Football
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Fahivets knew that the Brazilian was surprised at the interview.

The head coach of Tottenham Antonio Conte responded to the words of Risharlison, who publicly criticized the coach after the match against Milan.

It’s true that the Italians care that there was no criticism at this address. You can learn the words of the Brazilian striker for help.

" Vіn not criticizing me, vіn saying that " The new one had a lot of injuries, he went to the championship of the world, the new one had one more injury, then he turned back for one month, and then another injury. In the Premier League, without scoring a goal, less than two in Liza champions.

Vіn vіdverto saying that it's the season of filth. Ale, our season has not yet ended.

It’s time for the new one to renew himself, and as if he’s worthy of merit, I’ll give him such an opportunity.

Reshta interview... good lad rozumiv, scho having pardoned. If vin seems less: " Vin shows hisism. I repeat to my graves, if you want to be more important, fight and be competitive, to win a trophy, you are guilty to say: "

Vіn ozumіv his pardon, vіn vybachivsya, and it's good, to that I can explain to you the importance of the team spirit,"

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