Sommer on transfer to Bavaria: I know the majesty of mastery and the aura of which club

19 January 2023, 20:59 | Football
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The gate is also written with its own transition.

Bavaria new goalkeeper Yann Sommer commenting on his move to the Munich club.

" Tse great ta tight club. We played a lot of times one against one - I know the majesty of mastery and the aura of that club. I am writing to them that I have become a part of Bavaria. Before us stand a great task.

With impatience, I check the cob of work here from my teammates and everything that is checked on us in front. I want to applaud the menchengladbach Borussia for the last half of the miracles and for the possibility of making this transition,"

Let's hope, the 34-year-old football player has signed a contract until the summer of 2025.

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