Macron wants Platinum to become President of the French Football Federation

10 January 2023, 15:56 | Football
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Chinny the head of the federation Noel Le Grey, having recognized criticism after recent scandals.

Emmanuel Macron having said the ban, for whatever wine you want, for Michel Platinum, having cheered the French Football Federation. Let's talk about RMC Sport.

For information dzherela, the president of France in particular contacted the big president of UEFA, to find out about the possibility of spivpratsyu.

As long as Platinum does not sing in his turn to football.

Until then, Michel long and stubbornly stood up for his interests at the office of corruption. The order of Platinum was taken off the eightfold ban on football, and then the term was shortened to 4 years, and in 2019 the roll of wines ended.

It is also said that the position of the head of the federation, Noel Le Gres, has significantly decreased after the recent scandals. On the Internet, there are some words about Zinedine Zidane, and also some words about sexual homies.

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