
22 October 2022, 10:04 | Football
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Fahіvets posplkuvavsya zі ZMI before the thunder.

Head coach of Chelsea Graham Potter before the central match of the 13th round of the English Premier League after the press.

\; something like this, like before the thunder of Brentford. conor gallagher.

From Brighton I won Manchester United, but a lot of things have changed since that hour. I even respect Erik ten Geg, a robot, like a vin vikonav at his car'er, and yogo like a coach. You can talk about how people adapt and stick if the stench goes to top clubs. Father, win all the good. It is obvious that this was not a long start for Manchester United, but the stench played well, took away points and played well. Tse will be an important gra "

Look like this: Forecast for Chelsea - Manchester United " Tse is ok. The new one has a brightness, and, naturally, the stench becomes more and more beautiful by the hour "

So Potter spoke about the situation with Denis Zakaria, a kind of dissatisfaction with his playing hour.

" There were few good gravel in this position, that one had a chance to stock up on patience.

Ale vin zmagaєtsya, fight for your place and ready to help the team, as needed.

Regardless of the fact that the season has passed, there will be food for a good man, that you cannot grow up. Vіn buv unsatisfied, vіn not having grown anything nasty. We're good at training and ready to help,"

The duel between Chelsea and Manchester United will be held on the 22nd of July and will be announced at 19:30 for the Kiev hour. The host of the GR is Stamford Bridge Stadium.

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