Vertonghen - engraver of Anderlecht

02 September 2022, 17:46 | Football
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Jan turned to the native land.

Belgian Anderlecht voted about the signing of the 35th defense of Benfica by Jan Vertonghen.

The amount of the transfer does not seem to fit into any resource, including Transfermarkt. Vertonghen's contract with the club from the capital of Belgium for 2 years.

It is significant that Vertonghen is the record holder of the Belgian national team for the number of fights held. T-shirt " With so much, scho, at the championship of Belgium, Jan debuts only once.

Let's guess, in 2014, being a Grave of Tottenham, Vertonghen, having forgotten the shady simulation, forward Dnipro Roman Zozulya, through the yaku from the field, was beaten.

Early Anderlecht signed midfielder Romy.

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