It became clear that the teams earned the most of the year

02 September 2022, 16:41 | Football
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Leader - Ajax Amsterdam.

For the hour of the summer transfer week-2022, the most pennies earned by Ajax Amsterdam. The list of the top 10 clubs is the best one, which is known to the best surplus for transfer bags.

So, the income of " The left part of them is the warehouse of Anton's sales to Manchester United for 100 million.

The trio also won Manchester City and Benfica.

What a cіkavo, insulting the clubs of this year sold the Ukrainians - Oleksandr Zinchenko and Roman Yaremchuk obviously. The newest clubs are Arsenal and Brugge.

" Mova about net sumi without raising bonuses.

A dozen of us look at the coming rank:.

Kassa rinkelt bij Ajax? Premier League-clubs vestigen record? — ESPN NL (@ESPNnl) September 2, 2022 Guessing, it was announced earlier that Chelsea won the most among all Premier League clubs in this transfer season.

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