Chelsea vytrativ most of the middle clubs of the Premier League in the transfer period

02 September 2022, 15:28 | Football
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A short guide to the biggest "

Sky Sports listing Premier League teams that have spent the most to boost their inventory.

Whom can the leadership of Chelsea, which has been "

Next up is Manchester United, which has bought a lot of new coach Erik ten Gaga. One less Antony cost the "

Varto is seen on this list as well as newcomers from Sherwood Forest. Nottingham Forest clearly illustrates the colossal expansion between the Premier League and other championships. Build far from the richest English club you can afford to own practically 158 million euros for newcomers. " Over 20 new gravels, among them the most expensive ones, were the attacking pivzakhist Morgan Gibbs-White for 29.50 million euros (Chalena overpayment!

) that fifth top scorer of the last Bundesliga draw 1 Taiwo Avoni for 20.50 million euros - this is not a record for the middle of the top 5 leagues!

Tottenham also filled the numbers with the number, but on the vіdmіnu vіd Forest, the team of Antonio Conte krapkovo showed the warehouse of the Italian. Risharlison (58 million euros) and Christian Romero (50 million euros) were paid more expensively.

And the axis of Manchester City, which traditionally ranks as the top "

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