Gegedosh became the engraver of Pyunik in Virmensk

31 August 2022, 00:50 | Football
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29-year-old football player to continue his career in the championship of Vrmenia.

Pyunik on his official website voicing about the signing of a contract with striker Robert Gegedosh.

Details please iz 29-year-old Ukrainians do not speak out.

Let's guess, until the winter of which fate Robert played for Veres, after which he left the Rivne club and moved to Peremoga. However, the new club did not win for obvious reasons and moved to the Polish Gurnik near the birch.

It is also significant that Ukrainians are already appearing at the warehouse of Pyunik — Sergiy Vakulenko, Artur Bratkov, Alan Aussі and Roman Karasyuk.

After several matches in Pyunik, having scored six points and won a place in the tournament table of the championship of Vrmenia.

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