Kucher: If we want to go to the group round of the Europa League, then it’s AEK’s duty to remake

25 August 2022, 00:34 | Football
Олександр Кучер, СК Дніпро-1
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The head coach of Dnipro-1 Oleksandr Kucher commented on the upcoming match-review of the play-off round of the Europa League qualifier against the Cypriot AEK.

" There are a lot of legionnaires in the team, an additional Spanish coach, who has improved in different countries. Rich gravitational, yakі pobed in Primera, in the middle of the field yakіsnі footballіstі, і zvіsno, Altman is a strong vykonavets.

Obviously, if we want to go to the group round of the Europa League, then tomorrow we will have to remake. Ale, we understand that it will be more important for us tomorrow, I know the shards like bollyons at AEK and the stench will give teams of additional zusil, and it will be better at your own walls. We will get ready for what.

Due to injuries, Luchkevich, Purita and Gorbunov did not arrive with us, they lost their practice near Kosice. The stench will be getting ready for the upcoming matches. Well, it’s clear through the red card at the first match we can’t help Sarapiy.

Even though we received a little more of official matches, even if we missed these emotions, for football players, even if we have more, there were no official matches. To be exact, we didn’t play football for more than eight months, so it seems to be positive at once,"

For sure, the match between AEK and Dnipro-1 will take place at Thursday, 25 April, around 19:00 after the Kiev hour. On Football. ua text online broadcast of the match will be available. The first match ended with a rakhunka 2:1 to the greed of the Cypriots.

Based on materials: https

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