Antoni having obtained a contract from Manchester United - Ajax can take a shalenі cost

22 August 2022, 11:24 | Football
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The Brazilian will be more expensive to beat the English team.

The crisis of the English Manchester United on the cob of the current season is due, among other things, to the unsung transfer campaign that the club of this lita has carried out.


However, in the next hour, the team of Erika ten Gaga plans to turn over.

United maintains the success of the campaign following the striker of the Amsterdam Ajax Antoni, and take his time in the wake of the wetness in yoga services.

The early start of the season is bringing the club down to a big game, but one of them could be paid 90 million euros to the Dutch champion for the yogi star player.

As the Italian journalist Nicolo Skira, the 22-year-old Brazilian, has already agreed to a special contract with a club from Manchester, and now he checks for the favor of the position of the change.

Already at the beginning of the new season, the Gravets scored two goals and two assists in three matches.

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