Barcelona will be fully obligated to pay salaries Umtiti for the hour of rent in Lecce

22 August 2022, 11:22 | Football
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Unbelievable to become a sensational transfer of gravity to another club.

The French central defender Samuel Umtiti has long been able to put up with the unacceptable fact of his inconvenience in the warehouse of the Catalan Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhowever, to know one's own new place of work for the 28-river convict has become more difficult task.

Less than an hour of the in-line transfer campaign, the grave man managed to fail the medical examiner at the warehouse of the French Rennes, while the interest of the Greek Olympiakos became less on paper.

The Italian Lecce took a more substantive position in the negotiations, which only managed to break through to Series A.

As the Italian journalist Nikolo Skira says, the “Vovkas” are far from being close before, but still arrange the transition of the status vikonavtsya to your lease on the rights of rent.

We can’t wait until the end of the mindful city of Barcelona for the cost of putting Umtit? beyond the power of the training base - the Catalans have voted to cry in full obligation of salary entitlement, which we can’t pay for them at any hour of the year.

In the past season, Samuel won only one match.

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