Malinovskyy took the highest score in Atalanta for the match against Milan

22 August 2022, 06:54 | Football
Руслан Маліновський, Getty Images
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In the match of another round of the Italian Serie A, Atalanta shared points with Milan on its own field. The match ended with a flurry 1:1.

At the launch warehouse of Bergamask viyshov, Ukrainian pivzakhist Ruslan Malinovskiy, who is to be run by ZMI to the Premier League. Winning on the floor 73 hvilini.

For this defender, Malinovsky was marked by his first goal in the last season, and now, on the yogic side, a goal and an assist for two players.

For this match, the 29th Ukrainian won the best score at the Atalanti warehouse from the authoritative portal WhoScored - 7.5. The best at the warehouse Milana buv Ismael Bennaser — 8.6.

The SofaScore portal gave Ukraine a score of 7.9 points, which is also the best score for the warehouse of the gospodars. The guests have the best boov toy Bennacer - 8.6 points.

Previously Kerman Atalanti talked about the possibility of a Ukrainian pvzakhist's entry to another club.

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