Zinchenko having taken off the average score for the match against Bournemouth

21 August 2022, 00:36 | Football
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For Ukraine, the first new match at the warehouse of the London club.

London Arsenal in the third round match of the English Premier League won a victory over Bournemouth іz rahunkok 3:0.

For the "

At the starting warehouse of the Arsenal for this match, the Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko, who is stronger in the season, won the latest duel.

For his group, Zinchenko won 6.8 points from the authoritative portal WhoScored, which is an average mark. Best for the version of the portal buv Martin Edegor (8.1), who scored two balls.

At the same hour, SofaScore gave Zinchenko a score of 7.1 points, and the highest score on this day was that same Edegor - 8.1 points.

On Football. ua available for review video review of the match Bournemouth — Arsenal.

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