Serie A: Torino scoring a zero draw for Lazio, and Udinese for Salernitana

21 August 2022, 00:31 | Football
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The tour began with two goalless fights.

Another round of Serii A was established in two goalless fights.

From tsіkavinok you can see the standing of the brothers Milinkovichi-Savichi in the match between Torino and Lazio, as well as the debut of the ex-engraver of Shakhtar Markos Antonio at the warehouse "

If it’s grilled in Udine, then it didn’t happen without a visit to the Udinese warehouse. After all, the "

Torino - Lazio - 0:0 Torino: B. Milinkovic-Savich - Bongiorno, Gigi, Rodriguez - Singo (Lazaro, 72), Linetti (Lukich, 72), Ricci, Aina - Vlasic - Sanabrich, Radonich (Sec, 82). Milinkovic-Savic (Alberto, 82), Vesino (Basic, 62) - Anderson (Pedro, 71), Immobile, Dzakanji (Kansilieri, 83) Forward: Cataldi (49), Antonio (73) Udinese - Salernitana - 0:0 Udinese.

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