Arsenal first in the 2004/05 season, having started out of three, won in the Premier League

21 August 2022, 00:26 | Football
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A distant start for the team of Mikel Arteti together with Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko.

London Arsenal in the match of the third round of the English Premier League won 3:0 beat Bournemouth.

In this way, the team of Mikel Arteti won all three starting matches in the current season of the Premier League. How long did the Londoners beat Leicester (4:2) and Crystal Palace (2:0).

For information Goal. com, Arsenal won first place in the 2004/05 season after three wins.

Significantly, that season in 2005 the Arsenal team ended in another place, with 12 points as Chelsea champion.

Earlier it was reported that Arsenal fans were sleeping again at Zinchenko's address.

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