Metalist coach: The newcomers have joined the team well

21 August 2022, 00:23 | Football
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Oleg Ratiya's first comment as a mentor of "

Kharkiv Metalist has been applying for UPL for the 2022/23 season for days. You can add new names to the list.

Now, his commentary on the drive of the preparation of the team to the championship, having given the strongest bindings of the mentor of the Sloboda residents Oleg Ratiy.

" We can’t wait, even if we stink, we’ll understand what we’ll need to play at such an hour. To that stench with a proper rank to be put up to training, even better practice.

Mi nalashtovuemo lads at the harn gro and mushimo work your work. Ale stink to understand that soon there will be an official match and prepare for yourself, and we help him.

The team has a healthy sports mood. Vіn maє be so up to gri, all musyat buti are ready.

The first two days it was important to practice with new balls from PUMA, it was necessary to call.

At once everything is good, the lads are worthy of these balls. Everything is good in the attack - after hitting the ball, fly so that the gatekeepers do not understand, where the blame is direct. Everyone cheer up and I think everything will be fine until gris"

Nasamkinets Raty, having said about the adaptation of newcomers.


For sure, the first match of the Kharkiv season will be held on the Independence Day of Ukraine against the Lviv Rukh.

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