Guardiola: Very important goals for Goland

08 August 2022, 00:11 | Football
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Manchester City coach commenting on the victory over West Ham.

In the first round of the English Premier League Manchester City, without any problems, Goland's double beat West Gem (2:0).

Mistyan head coach Josep Guardiola commented on getting three points, as well as the forward of the Norwegian striker.

" Erling scoring two more important goals is good for everyone: like for us, so for the new. Vіn vіdchuv our championship.

Such a team, like West Gem, will defend against us all the match. Goland scores goals in front of the people themselves - the very same fault is here, "

At the offensive tour, London's West Ham is hosting Nottingham Forest, and Manchester City is hosting Bournemouth on the wet field.

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