Napolі vede removini schodo pridbanny Giovanni Simeone

16 July 2022, 11:13 | Football
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The son of the head coach of Atletico Madrid can change the club.

At that hour, as the father of the Argentinean striker of the Italian Veroni Giovanni Simeone, Diego Simeone, working on the strong warehouse of Atletico Madrid before the beginning of the new season, the 27-year-old vikonovets is on the verge of a possible change of the club.


For the last season at the warehouse "

Zreshtoy, as the Italian journalist Nikolo Skira says, with the services of Giovanni, he got Napoli.

The Neapolitan club has recently moved from Verona to order a striker for 2 million euros, since in new May there is a clear option of a binding contract for 15 million euros, for the mind of the football player to reach the singing performances.

Varto, it is clear that Simeone, the youngest, just recently completed the full transition from Sardinian Cagliari to his streaming club, but it was true that Veroni cost 12 (10.5 +1.5) million euros.

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