Іguain: I still can say what to say on the football field

19 June 2022, 16:24 | Football
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Forward spoke about his career and plans for the future.

Inter Miami forward Gonzalo Yguain commented on his ability to complete his career, which is why I still have the motivation to play football.

" Remember those who brought me Roberto Carlos to Real, if I had a total of 19 years.

With the help of football life, I learned from different champions: from Ronaldinho, from Dibaloyu. I was even more fortunate to play with these lads at the football.

I don't plan to end my career right now. There is less incentive to exercise to reach your goals on the field. I like those emotions that I cherish in football,"

Earlier, there was information that Iguain wants to complete his career, but later on, the Argentine himself її prostuvav.

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