Vology prismak of failure: the choice of Ukraine is up for a short time before the emergency situation-2022

06 June 2022, 14:08 | Football
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Football. ua to share my thoughts and thoughts completely I will win the choice of Wales with a rookie 0:1.

The national election of Ukraine under Oleksandr Petrakov’s architecture could not win the election of Wales on the basis of Gareth Bale. Everyone recognized that free kicks in the mirror gravel of Real Madrid can carry a special threat to the gates of Georgiy Bushchan, and yet no one could see that such a standard for Viconan Gareta is converted into a score ball, which will be the only one in this duel.

For their own dignity, Ukrainian football players had a big fight, lower against the national team of Scotland. The only vidminnist is the filthy realization of the best moments. Just show respect for the statistics of that fight.

The victory of Ukrainians is obvious. Volodinnya with a ball, number of passes, shots at the cross, show xG. Everything is eloquent even about those that Ukraine is guilty of bula peremagati in this duel.

Oleksandr Petrakov's subpoenas worked richly and were not single-man in their attacking actions. І flank serves, І transfers in rozrіz, і shot at a different pace - all the same at Vikonnі blue-zhovtih in the whole evening we bachili. They didn’t hit one - a ball scored at the gates of Hennesi.

Okremo wanted to add respect to the immovable penalty on Andriy Yarmolenko. Obviously, our football player was the first on the ball, and Joe Allen hit our captain. It didn’t dawn on me why Mateo Laos didn’t recover, I wanted to marvel at this moment for help VAR.

Most of our readers are like on the site, so in Telegram at the hour of the match they were blamed for the penalties, but they were responsible for the assignments.

Against such teams, like Wales, it’s not bad to miss the first. Navit, like a ball of misses less in the middle of the first half, it is necessary to pump, risky and throw all your strength on those to turn the parity into a duel of a yakomog sooner.

For a subjective thought, the departure of Mudrik and Dovbik was satisfied with my life. These two, which undeniably increased the strength of our team’s team, left at that moment, when 15 whips were lost, and Wales, already at a higher pace, churned the pace and dynamics of the game and took up the tedium of the hour. Give these lads if they want 30 quills each, then they would know much more about their moments of stink.

It's a pity, it also means that our head coach is absolutely free of charge until the rest of the football field Andriy Yarmolenka. Our captain and team leader gave all his strength and in the other half looked out of the door. More fresh gravel, give more crust.

Prote, at once mi vishukuєm I want to, what could bring the laying of the bajans of scoring a goal.

Ale Ukrainians for whom and so robbed a lot. The stench fought to the last and looked exactly no weaker for their supernik. I would like to cheer for the team and the head coach, who won the team in this difficult hour and until the rest of the fight for the upcoming emergency situation-2022.

In the period of war in Ukraine, I would like to watch out for our team among the best, but where are the most important wins of our country in front. Everything will be Ukraine!

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