Manchester United having pinned a spіvpratsy from the head scout to the club

20 April 2022, 15:47 | Football
фото the athletic
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The revolution in Manchester United, as previously announced by Ralph Rangnik, has begun.

So, the club pinned the spіvpratsyu from the head scout of the team Dim Lawlor. On top of that, the camp of the Mancunians, having also killed the head of global scouting Marcel Bout, reminds The Athletic.

Lawlor worked at Manchester United in 2005, and in 2014 became the head scout for the club. But he came to the "

It is significant that the initiative for such a decision came from sports director John Murtow, who will control the transfer operations of the club.

Previously, the head coach of Manchester United Ralph Rangnіk rozpovіv, skіlki nіh futіlіііv іn prіbіbіnі team.

Based on materials: https

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