Kovalenko: Don't cash in on war, don't cash in on people's lives, be humane

29 March 2022, 02:00 | Football
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A football player calling out to help people one by one.

Pivzakhisnik Spetsії Viktor Kovalenko supported the Meshkants in Kherson and called people to be humane.

" It’s not a novelty that at the same time, the time has come for absolutely everyone, it’s hard and financial, it’s impossible to know what tomorrow is ready for all of us.

I want to invite all of you, especially people from the food industry - those who resell gasoline, food products, medicines, etc. - be humane. Be healthy and understand that our pensioners, low-income families, people with disabilities or those who spent the work through the war, not able to buy products at once for such space prices.

Don't cash in on the war, don't cash in on the mountains of people, be humane and you should turn twice more. Get rid of people with a clear conscience at such a dark time,"

Shanovni Spivgromadyans!

On February 24, 2022, Ukraine recognized a full-scale attack from the side of the Russian Federation, the war broke out in all fates because of the occupation of the Ukrainian Crimea by the Russians, as well as the surrounding parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

We ask you to keep calm, stay safe, read all the official Ukrainian news, don’t be afraid and don’t spread fakes and don’t publish information that could speed up the enemy in your own purposes. Tse our land! Glory to Ukraine!

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