Portugal defeated Azerbaijan

07 September 2021, 23:44 | Football
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Santos' team left no chances to the opponent in the selection for the World Cup.

As part of the selection for the 2020 World Cup, the Portuguese national team defeated Azerbaijan with a score of 0: 3.

Portugal approached the fight in the status of the second team in the group, and Azerbaijan, on a par with Ireland - underdogs.

On the 26th minute the account was opened. Bernardo Silva managed to score after a good pass from Bruno Fernandes. Five minutes later, Andre Silva managed to double the guests' lead - assisted by Diogo Jota.

In the second half, Fernando Santos' charges continued to hold the initiative. On the 75th minute, the third ball flew into the gate of Magomedaliev. Goal on account of Zhota.

Azerbaijan 0-3 Portugal Goals: Bernardo Silva, 26, Andre Silva, 31, Jota, 75 Azerbaijan: Magomedaliev, Khagverdi, Salakhli (Sadikhov, 76), Huseynov, Badalov, Makhmudov, Khalilzade (Gorbani, 46), Aleskerov, Garayev.

Portugal: Ruy Patricio, Ruben Dias, Joao Canselo, Pepe, Guerreiro (Mendes, 71), Moutinho (Joao Mario, 78), Bernardo Silva (Otavio, 78), Palligna (Ruben Neves, 46), Bruno Fernandes, Diogo Jota (.

Warnings: Pallinya, Aleskerov, Gorbani, Hagverdi, Mendes.

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