Liverpool confident of quick success in contract renewal negotiations with Salah

05 September 2021, 10:19 | Football
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Jurgen Klopp wants to keep the player at any reasonable cost.

Already next summer, English Liverpool will be forced to face the realization that the contract of striker Mohammed Salah is coming to an end at the end of the 2022/23 season, so the upcoming summer transfer window will be the last opportunity for the “red” to make money on his sale..

However, in the club itself, the option with an outgoing transfer is not even on the list of possible scenarios, and the head coach of the team, Jurgen Klopp, insists on extending the agreement with the footballer until 2025..

With a corresponding proposal, Liverpool turned to the agents of the Egyptian football player, who took a break to consult with their client on this issue..

The Reds want to complete the negotiation process as soon as possible by successfully signing a new deal, and in the next few weeks to announce publicly that they have reached an agreement with one of their best performers.

In the new season, Salah has already entered the field three times, scoring two goals and assists.

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