Juventus held first talks with Rayola regarding Keene's return

26 August 2021, 13:09 | Football
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Everton striker may soon return home.

Everton's striker Moise Keane, who recently returned from quarantine, where he was in connection with a short illness, and has already managed to be sent off in the match against Huddersfield Town in the English League Cup match (2: 1), may in the final days of the transfer market go.

According to Italian journalist Nicolo Schira, Turin Juventus had an eye on the footballer, for which the 21-year-old Italian striker played at the moment of transition to the status of a professional football player..

The leadership of the “zebras” has even managed to hold the first round of negotiations with the player's agent, Mina Raiola, but the parties did not disclose any specifics..

The expected cost of Keane's transfer to Juventus is 35 million euros, according to the Transfermarkt portal, while two years earlier he went to the same Everton for 27.5 million euros..

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