Messi and Neymar named the best Copa America players

10 July 2021, 23:36 | Football
Лионель Месси и Неймар, getty images
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CONMEBOL named the best footballers of the current America's Cup.

This title was awarded to two players at once - forwards of the Argentine national team Lionel Messi and the striker of the Brazilian team Neymar.

Messi has already scored 4 goals and 5 assists at the Copa America.. Neymar scored 2 goals and made 3 assists..

In a statement on the South American Football Confederation website, it was noted that it was impossible to pick just one footballer when the top two in the tournament.

Recall that it is the national teams of Argentina and Brazil that will meet in the final of the tournament.. The fight will take place on July 11 at 03:00 Kiev time.

Earlier it was reported that the status of a free agent causes significant financial damage to Messi..

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