Bayer signed new goalkeeper to rivals Hradecki

10 July 2021, 21:28 | Football
Андрей Лунев, Байер
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Bayer Leverkusen announced the signing of a new footballer for the summer transfer window, which is goalkeeper Andrei Lunev.

29-year-old goalkeeper left Zenit as a free agent to join the camp of the German Bundesliga.

The agreement between Bayer and Lunev is calculated until the summer of 2023. Andrey's rival in the new club will be Lucas Gradecki, who shared the fourth place with Manuel Neuer in terms of the number of clean sheets in the last season of the German Championship (9).

In the last campaign, Andrei Lunev played 13 matches for his former club, in which he conceded 14 goals and played three matches to zero..

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