Bale to discuss the future at Real with Ancelotti

05 June 2021, 17:43 | Football
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Welsh winger intends to retire.

Real Madrid striker Gareth Bale, who spent last season on loan in Tottenham, has no plans to end his professional football career after Euro 2020. Reported by journalist Fabrizio Romano.

According to the source, after the completion of the upcoming European Championship, the 31-year-old Welshman must either return to the location of the "

Bale's further career will depend on how his dialogue with the new head coach of Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, will end, during which the future of the football player will be discussed.

Last season, Gareth Bale played 34 matches for Tottenham in all tournaments, in which he scored 16 goals and three assists.

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