Dynamo Kiev received part of the debt for Che Che - media

03 June 2021, 04:52 | Football
Че Че, Сан-Паулу
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Dynamo Kiev received part of the sum from Brazilian Sao Paulo for midfielder Che Che. Reported by UOL Esporte.

According to the source, the Brazilian club transferred 12.5 million reais (less than two million euros) to the account of the “white-blue”.

However, this is not the full amount.. The club intends to pay off the rest of the debt in the coming months.

Note that CAS ordered the bosses of Sao Paulo to pay 2.65 million euros to Dynamo and imposed a fine of 400 thousand euros for violating the terms of the contract.

Recall that Che Che moved to Sao Paulo from Dynamo in 2019, but in April 2021 he moved to Atletico Mineiro on loan..

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Based on materials: www1.folha.uol.com.br

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