Lucescu: Supryaga did not live up to expectations

19 May 2021, 10:54 | Football
Владислав Супряга, ФК Динамо
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The head coach of Kiev Dynamo Mircea Lucescu told why the forward of the club Vladislav Supryaga received little playing time last season.

" We needed to score to win. Tsygankov and Buyalsky were injured, so all responsibility fell on Supryaga. He could not stand this load.

He played enough, especially in the first round, tried, but did not do what he is doing now, for example, Besedin.

He didn't help us the way he should. Supryaga has many advantages: playing with both feet, speed, heading. But there is no aggressiveness. He loses the ball very easily and is inferior in martial arts.. Lost competition to Besedin in the second round. Of course, if the team was somewhere in the middle of the table, he would play more often. Now he needs more playing time "

Earlier Lucescu told who convinced him to head Dynamo Kiev.

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