Zabarny: It's a dream for every footballer to play Euro

18 May 2021, 18:25 | Football
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Defender of the "

Defender of the national team of Ukraine and Kiev Dynamo Ilya Zabarny commented on the preparation of the national team for the upcoming Euro 2020.

" Adapted, everything is fine.

We had a pretty tough season, played a lot of games. We were already drawn into this rhythm, we just needed to rest.

Ahead training with a ball, it is more pleasant, because now there were tests, a lot of running work.

There is competition in the national team, there are a lot of us now. This is good, because everyone wants to prove themselves and show their maximum.. Everyone wants to go to Euro, because for every footballer it is a dream to play at such a tournament, "

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian national team held a training day in two stages.

Author: Ilya.

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