He is one of the controversial Premier League referees to retire at the end of the season

18 May 2021, 12:01 | Football
Ли Мейсон, Getty Images
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The rapidly approaching end of the English Premier League season will mark the end of his work as one of the field referees for one of the most controversial representatives of this workshop in the current football year - Lee Mason..

The referee from Bolton completed his studies in 1988, after which he began working in the matches of the Youth Federation League of the Federation of his city, combining this activity with the representation of one of the car rental companies..

A little later, in 1992, he went on to be promoted to the Football League of the Northwest Districts, from where, after four years of work and a period in the Football League (EFL), he joined the number of assistant chief referees of the Premier League in 2000..

Mason had to wait six years for his debut as the main referee in the "

The most memorable match of his career, which was accompanied by the maximum assessment of the specialized committee and the fans of both participating teams, was the 2012 English League Cup final between Chelsea London and Manchester United (5: 4).

However, the last season is unlikely to be memorable for this referee.. Back in December 2020, the head coach of Wolverhampton, Nuno Espirito Santo, received a penalty of 25 thousand.

pounds sterling for the fact that after the defeat by Burnley said that "

And already on February 27, 2021, Lee got into the epicenter of the scandal, after the cancellation of Lewis Dunk's goal in the Brighton match against West Bromwich (0: 1) in a rather controversial situation: the referee blew the whistle for a free kick, the player scored a goal, after which Mason gave a second.

Later, the English referee suffered damage to the calf muscle, as a result of which the counter of his matches in the Premier League stopped at around 287 matches, for which he handed out 873 yellow and 40 red cards.

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