Kulach scored against Minaj and set a new Vorskla record for goals in a season

09 May 2021, 16:50 | Football
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Poltava forward continues to demonstrate impressive performance.

In the match of the final 26th round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Vorskla meets with Minai. At the time of the break in the match, the score was 2: 1 in favor of Poltava.

In this confrontation, the striker of the Poltava team, Vladislav Kulach, scored a goal from a penalty spot at the end of the first half in the 41st minute.. For the Ukrainian, this goal was the 15th in the current UPL season..

Thanks to this, Kulach surpassed the Vorskla club record for the number of goals in one season, which has been held since 1997, when he was installed by Sergey Chuinenko, who scored 14 goals..

We also note that Kulach continues to lead in the UPL scorers race, ahead of Dynamo winger Viktor Tsygankov, who has 12 goals..

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