Chukwese may miss Europa League final due to injury

09 May 2021, 10:13 | Football
Травма Самуэля Чуквезе в ответном матче против Арсенала, Getty Images
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Before the end of the first half-hour of the return semifinal game against Arsenal in the UEFA Europa League (0: 0), Villarreal striker Samuel Chukwese was forced to leave the field due to injury.

Arsenal - Villarreal 0: 0 Match review Subsequently, the “yellow submarine” still managed to secure its way to the final of this tournament, however, the results of the latest medical research of their key performer in the attack line leave almost no chance of seeing him in the decisive battle for the international trophy.

The 21-year-old Nigerian striker has been diagnosed with an anterior rectus femoris injury on his left leg, raising serious doubts about his presence on the field in the Europa League final. The standard recovery time from such damage is about a month..

Recall that Chukwese has already played in 40 matches this season, scoring five goals and giving eight assists..

It is also worth noting that this is not the only possible personnel loss for Unai Emery - Juan Voith suffered muscle damage in his first game against Arsenal, as a result of which he was absent from the fight at Emirates..

The UEFA Europa League final between Villarreal and Manchester United will take place in Gdansk on 26 May.

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