Minaj - Vorskla. The day before

09 May 2021, 08:54 | Football
Фото ФК Ворскла
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Football. ua presents the announcement of the match of the 26th round of the Ukrainian championship.

In the 26th round of the Premier League, Minaj will try to loudly slam the door before returning to the First League, and Vorskla needs to gnaw out the last chance to break into European cups with his teeth..

Minaj - Vorskla Sunday, May 9, 14:00. Uzhgorod, Avangard stadium. Arbiter - Vitaly Romanov (Dnipro). Live broadcast on Football 3 TV Channel The previous round was a disaster for Minai, and it was also marked by a scandal. First of all, it is important that after losing to Shakhtar, the Transcarpathians lost even theoretical chances of retaining their registration in the UPL. In addition, a situation arose with anomalous bets on the defeat of Minai, because of which the guests' players did not even want to enter the field..

As a result, the match took place, and it ended with Shakhtar's " And Vorskla Minaj will actually receive the status of a newcomer to the First League.

Despite the fact that the load that weighed over the entire second round fell from the hosts' shoulders, Minai intends to pull himself together and slam the door loudly for the last match.. Some of the players just to prove their strength, something in order not to give a reason for the next talk about "

There are no disqualified members of Minay (Vorskla misses Yakubu's match), but a number of players have injuries of varying severity. The participation in the match of most of them is in question, but the top scorer Minaya Nuriyev will not play for sure.

Perhaps Vorskla does not need outside help, but what does Poltava need like air, because they continue to fight for a ticket to the League of Confederations, although they are still in it in the position of "

In the previous round, Vorskla missed the opportunity to improve this situation, not retaining the victory in the face-to-face meeting with Desna, and now even if all three interested teams end up with the same number of points at the finish line, in this "

Despite several possible options for squeezing into Europe, first of all, you need to take care of taking maximum points from Uzhgorod, and then rely on fate.

Interesting facts - The teams played 1 official match with each other, having played in the first round in a draw 1: 1.

- Minaj cannot hit the opponent's goal for 400 minutes.

- Minaya's losing streak is 4 matches.

Estimated compositions forecast 0: 2.

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