Valencia intends to fire Gracia at the end of the season

17 April 2021, 12:03 | Football
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The team's results in the current football year did not impress the club's management.

Spanish specialist Javier Ruben Gracia, better known as Javi Gracia, took over the leadership of Valencia in the summer of 2020 - during a difficult financial period for the club, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic..

As a result, the “bats” showed rather crumpled football during the current season, as a result of which they had to come to terms with the position of the middle peasant in the standings..

According to the Spanish edition Mundo Deportivo, the team's management already has a clear vision of the future current coach of the team - retiring at the end of the season, without waiting for the official completion of the contract, scheduled for summer 2022..

Among the possible replacements for Gracia in this post, the source singles out Rafael Bentez and the ex-mentor of the team Mikel Grau.

During his cadence in the camp of bats, Javier Gracia has already played 34 matches at the helm of the team, in which his team, on average, earned 1.26 points..

At the moment, Valencia is in 13th place in the standings, but in the near future she will face a difficult away match against Betis, which is scheduled for April 18, beginning at 19:30 Kiev time.

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