Raiola: Borussia does not want to sell Holland this summer

13 April 2021, 09:51 | Football
Мино Райола, nssmag.com
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In an interview with the journalists of the German resource Sport1, the famous football agent Mino Raiola, who also represents the interests of the forward of Dortmund Borussia Erling Holand, confirmed the fact of negotiations between his client and the club about a possible summer transition to a new place of work.

" Michael Zork (sports director of the club - ed.. ) made it clear to us that Borussia did not want to sell Erling this summer. I respect this opinion, but this does not mean that I agree with him.. Borussia's view on this issue is quite obvious and understandable.. I accept it.

There is no war between us and Borussia! Relationship with Zork, Aki (Hans-Joachim Watzke - ed.. ) and Kelem are still good.

They write a lot of nonsense about me. But I do not care. I will never talk about media negotiations.

I only talk about this with my players, their families and the respective clubs "

Recall that this season, the Norwegian forward has already played 34 matches for his club, having issued 33 goals scored and 10 assists..

The next match of Borussia D, with the possible participation of Holland, will be the return home confrontation of the “bumblebees” against Manchester City in the framework of the UEFA Champions League quarterfinals, which will take place on April 14, beginning at 22:00 Kiev time.

Based on materials: sport1.de

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