Former Liverpool defender takes over Danish second division club

31 March 2021, 18:45 | Football
Даниэль Аггер (справа) и Ларс Якобсен, фото ФК Кеге
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Former defender of Liverpool and Brondby takes over FC Kege - club's official website says.

Agger, who retired in 2016, makes his managerial debut with the club ranked last (6th) in the Super League round.

Agger, who played 4 seasons for Brondby and 8 for Liverpool, made 75 appearances (11 goals) for the Danish national team and won the Danish Championship and Cup, the English League Cup and the FA Super Cup..

He will be assisted by Lars Jacobsen, who at one time played for Odense, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Nuremberg, Everton, Blaebern, West Ham, Guingamp and played 81 matches (1 goal) for the national team of Denmark.

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