Juventus will play in a uniform dedicated to combating racial discrimination

21 March 2021, 17:23 | Football
Футболка Альваро Мораты, ФК Ювентус
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Turin Juventus in the next match of the Italian Serie A will perform in a special uniform, on which statistics related to racism will be applied. This was reported by the press service of the "

Thus, a team from Turin will take the initiative to commemorate the International Day against Racial Discrimination, which is celebrated on 21 March..

Statistics are provided for numbers from 0 to 9:.

0 - number of days without racist activity in Italy.

1 - in Europe, one in three blacks is racially discriminated against.

2 - In the United States, black households are twice as likely to be food insecure as white households.

3 - black Americans are three times more likely to be killed by the police than whites.

4 - in Italy in 2018, only 4% of cases were convicted for hate crimes.

5 - 5% of blacks in the EU have experienced racial aggression.

- In the US, 6 out of 10 blacks say they are treated less fairly than whites.

7 - in Europe, 7% of victims did not report racial aggression, fearing that they would not be believed.

- In 2019, racism and xenophobia were the main motives behind more than 800 hate crimes in Italy.

9 - 9 out of 10 Americans think racism and police violence are problems in their country.

Recall that today, March 21, Juventus will play the match of the 28th round of Serie A against Benevento. The beginning of the match - 16:00 Kiev time.

Based on materials: juventus.com

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