Southampton beat Bournemouth to advance to FA Cup semi-finals

20 March 2021, 17:22 | Football
Борнмут - Саутгемптон, Getty Images
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In the first quarterfinal match of the FA Cup, Southampton confidently beat Bournemouth away and advanced to the semifinals of the tournament. The match ended with a score of 3: 0 in favor of the "

The scoring was opened in the 37th minute, when Moussa Genepo scored a productive blow, and nine minutes later his efforts were supported by Nathan Redmond, who doubled the guests' lead.

The final point in the match was put by the same Redmond, who scored a double in the middle of the second half..

Recall that tonight, March 20, another quarterfinal will be held, in which Everton and Manchester City will play for the ticket to the next stage of the tournament.

Bournemouth 0-3 Southampton Goals: Genepo, 37, Redmond, 45 + 1, 59 Bournemouth: Begovic - Rico (Myth, 67), Cook, Carter-Vickers, Stacy - Pearson (Surridge, 56), Wilshire - Dunjuma, Billing.

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