Lyon Owner - About Depay: He is a world class player, one of the few on the team

18 February 2021, 18:27 | Football
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French functionary shares his thoughts on Dutch striker and club mentor.

Lyon owner and chairman Jean-Michel Ola spoke about the future of his club's head coach Rudy Garcia and forward Memphis DePaye.

\? The headquarters remains in place until the end of the season. Then we will consider this issue again.. If a club gets into the Champions League at the end of the season or wins Ligue 1, this will change a lot.

As for Memphis, there were a lot of rumors about his departure from the club.. He is a world class player, one of the few on the team.

I always wanted him to stay, but no agreement was reached. He almost moved to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut it turned out to be economically impossible..

We hope that Depay will stay with us for the next season.. At the moment this is impossible, but it is quite possible "

Earlier it was reported that Depay and Aouar want to leave Lyon.

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