Rebrov may miss match against Barcelona due to COVID-19

01 December 2020, 08:50 | Football
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Ukrainian specialist suspects coronavirus.

Ferencvaros will host Barcelona as part of the fifth round of the Champions League group stage.

Being an outsider of this confrontation, the Hungarian club runs the risk of encountering additional problems due to the possible absence of head coach Sergei Rebrov on the sidelines during the match..

According to Nemzeti Sport, a Ukrainian specialist has suspicions of coronavirus. Due to poor health, Rebrov was unable to attend the pre-match press conference, and also missed his team's training session on Sunday, November 29.

It is noted that Ferencvaros' mentor is currently awaiting test results for COVID-19. If the infection is confirmed, Rebrov will not be able to attend the match with Barcelona and lead the team from the sidelines.

We will remind, the duel Ferencvaros - Barcelona will take place on Wednesday, December 2, at 22:00 Kiev time.

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