Shevchenko: Closer to the match with Germany, we will determine and find the optimal composition

12 November 2020, 13:52 | Football
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The coach of the Ukrainian national team spoke about the defeat from Poland in the test match (0: 2).

The Ukrainian national team was defeated in a friendly match with the Polish team, which took place in preparation for the upcoming Nations League matches against Germany and Switzerland.

The head coach of the “yellow-blue” Andriy Shevchenko commented on the unsatisfactory result for his team in the meeting with the Poles and spoke about the preparations for the fight against the German national team, which will take place on November 14.

" The structure was very good. By implementation - we must squeeze more out of the moments than today. This will be a very important moment in the future. "

" We gave the players the opportunity to play 45 minutes each, there was a big rotation. We will fly to Germany, we will have a training there. Closer to the match we will determine and find the optimal squad, "

We remind you that you can watch video goals and review of the match Poland - Ukraine on Football. ua.

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