Leo: Germany has the opportunity to end this difficult year on a positive note

06 November 2020, 20:56 | Football
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Germany coach Joachim Loew shared his expectations for the November matches of his team.

Joachim Low hopes to successfully complete football 2020.

" - It's great when there is an opportunity to meet world-class rivals, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

First, we will play a friendly match with the Czech Republic, and then in the League of Nations we will meet with Ukraine and Spain "


Germany will play the match against the Czech Republic on November 11, Ukraine will host on November 14, and will meet with Spain on the road on November 17.

Two rounds before the finish, Germany lags behind the leading Spain in group A4 by 1 point and shares with Ukraine the second or third places (6 points each).

Earlier it was reported that Lev announced the composition of the German national team for matches against the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Spain.

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