Napoli unveils three new kits for the 2020/21 season

29 August 2020, 01:41 | Football
Фото ФК Наполи
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The Neapolitans decided to rely not on originality, but on new technologies.

Kappa has developed three versions of the game kit for the 2020/21 season for Napoli, the club's official website reported.

The design of the uniform is classic and elegant, the equipment itself is made in the traditional colors for the club - blue (first set), white (second) and gray (third), which the club has also used before.

However, at the same time, the SSC Napoli Kombat Pro 2021 sets use the latest technologies that make the form comfortable and practical..

Ultra-lightweight Hidroway fabric guarantees breathability and heat dissipation, while stretch nylon seams eliminate friction against the skin.

Based on materials:

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