Martin Montoya returned to Betis

25 August 2020, 23:41 | Football
Мартин Монтойя, Бетис
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Betis turned his first summer transfer. The club's newcomer is Brighton defender Martin Montoya. The player has signed a contract until the summer of 2024, the official website of the Heliopolitans said..

Not exactly a new club for Martin Betis. He has already played for the Sevillians in 2016, having played 13 games in La Liga.

Also in Montoya's career were Barcelona, \u200b\u200bInter and Valencia. He has played for various Spanish youth teams but has not yet played for the national team.

In total, Montoya has played 277 matches in the elite divisions. In them, he scored 4 goals and made 22 assists..

Martin's arrival could mean the impending loss of Emerson, who plays for Betis on loan from Barcelona. In April, it was reported that the Catalans themselves needed the player, and later wrote that Tottenham was interested in him.

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