Burda: I would like to rehabilitate myself over the last not very successful year

25 August 2020, 12:33 | Football
Никита Бурда, фото Динамо
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Dynamo will play with Shakhtar in the match for the Ukrainian Super Cup. Nikita Burda wants to correct the mistakes of the last season and sets ambitious goals " We perceive it as the opening of the season, as a duel for the trophy with our main and principal rival - Shakhtar. Therefore, we are preparing very seriously, as for all matches.. Of course, we really want to win. We are looking forward to the start of the new season, I want to rehabilitate myself for the last not very successful year, and we have already missed football.

Our objectives are always unchanged: to win the gold medals of the championship, the Ukrainian Cup, the Super Cup and reach the group stage of the Champions League, which has not happened for a long time. And for myself, I hope that all injuries will go away, I want to forget about them and just play, helping the team as much as I can.

Lucescu? we are training, a lot of new things have appeared. We try as soon as possible to accept the principles of work and the philosophy of the new coach, get used to his requirements and understand how he sees our game. There are innovations in everything: tactics, training, etc.. , because each coach has his own vision of the game and the use of football players. Very little time has passed yet, but we are trying to get used to it and do everything necessary on the football field. We are preparing with a positive attitude, with thoughts and hopes that this season there will be a holiday on our street, "

As a reminder, the match for the Ukrainian Super Cup between Shakhtar and Dynamo will take place on August 25 at the NSC Olimpiyskiy at 21:00 Kyiv time.. On Football. ua text online broadcast of the fight will be available.

Based on materials: upl.ua

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