Juventus may acquire Locatelli

25 August 2020, 03:33 | Football
Мануэль Локателли, getty images
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Juventus management is considering the option of acquiring Sassuolo midfielder Manuel Locatelli, reports Calciomercato.

According to the source, during the week, representatives of Turin will meet with the club and the player to discuss the transfer. Midfielder's contract expires in 2023.

This season, the midfielder has played 31 matches in a non-verdi shirt, scoring four assists.

Earlier it was reported that Locatelli himself plans to leave Sassuolo, and therefore is interested in moving to Juventus.

This season, the midfielder has played 31 matches in a non-verdi shirt, scoring four assists.

Earlier it was reported that Locatelli himself plans to leave Sassuolo, and therefore is interested in moving to Juventus.

Based on materials: calciomercato.com

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