Flick is the eighth coach to win the Champions League after being appointed during the season

24 August 2020, 11:32 | Football
photo football.ua
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The German achieved success with the Reds, taking over the team in November.

Bayern was the triumph of this Champions League with a minimal victory over PSG in the final.

Lead the team to victory in the Hans-Dieter Flick tournament, who was appointed to the coaching position last November. The Munich club started the season under the leadership of Niko Kovacs.

Flick became the eighth coach to win the Champions League after being appointed during the season:.

1960 - Miguel Munoz (Real Madrid) 1975 - Dettmar Kramer (Bayern) 1982 - Tony Barton (Aston Villa) 1993 - Raymond Gutals (Marseille) 2000 - Vicente Del Bosque (Real Madrid) 2012 - Roberto Di Matteo (Chelsea) 2016 - Zinedine.

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