Javi Garcia moved to Boavista

20 August 2020, 10:48 | Football
Хави Гарсия, Боавишта
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Midfielder Xavi Garcia left Betis to join Boavista as a free agent, Record reported.

The 33-year-old Spaniard has already played in Portugal: from 2009 to 2012 he played for Benfica. After that, the Real Madrid graduate moved to Manchester City. Also in his career were Zenith and Betis, for which he played for the last three years.

In the 2019/20 season, Javi Garcia had only eight matches in La Liga for the “white-green”, having marked two yellow cards.

Xavi is Boavista's seventh addition this offseason after Angel Gomez, Mangas, Amache, Benguche, Nunu Santos and Shaw.

Based on materials: record.pt

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